Dawn Donalson, Certified GAPS Coach, and the Weston A Price Chapter Leader for since 2006. Dawn is a native southerner transplanted to the rocky mountain area on the Western Slope of Colorado.
Dawn pushes through life with grit and determination having experienced and overcome severe asthma, allergies, eczema, and learning disabilities, and now nourishes seven free-range farm children, four grandchildren, and animals with her husband of 29 years on their 5-acre spread in northeast Grand Junction.
Through her Coaching business, Dawn promotes “Healthy Traditions for Healthy Families” and is devoted to teaching families an effective, practical approach to traditional, ancestral diets and research-based wellness within the setting of the busy home.
Dawn specializes in the GAPS Diet protocol in managing children who are fussy eaters, providing you with delicious recipes, less time in the kitchen, and sustainable living on a friendly budget!
Dawn CGC and Weston A Price Chapter Leader of Grand Junction, Co